Reflecting on Four Years: The Tornado Anniversary

This week, on March 3rd, marked the devastating tornado that swept through our community. While the devastating day will live in infamy forever, we want to take the time to pause and be grateful for what it has helped us become, reflecting on four years of the tornado anniversary and how far we have traveled since that fateful day. It’s been a path fraught with challenges, but one marked by resilience, determination, and innovation.

Relocating & Rebuilding: A New Beginning in Portland

In the aftermath of the tornado, our business, once nestled in the heart of Mount Juliet, found a new home in the charming city of Portland. Going through the process of relocating amongst all of the devastating factors the tornado caused was not easy, but it opened up new opportunities and possibilities for us. We embarked on a journey of renovation, transforming a space into not just a workplace, but a symbol of our commitment to rebuilding and moving forward.

Rising from the Rubble: Resurgence and Community Support

Rebuilding our business from the ground up was no small feat. It required unwavering dedication and the support of our community. With each passing day, we witnessed the gradual resurgence of our operations, fueled by the collective spirit of resilience that defines us. One of the most gratifying aspects of our journey has been the addition of new customers who have entrusted us with their business. Their support has been instrumental in our recovery and has inspired us to continually strive for excellence.


Clean-up & Comeback; Photo taken on March 7th, 2020

Milestones and Innovations: Celebrating Progress

Amidst the challenges, there have been significant milestones worth celebrating. Achieving UL approval was a testament to our unwavering commitment to quality and safety. It reaffirmed our position as a trusted partner in the industry and instilled confidence in our customers. But perhaps what fills us with the greatest pride is our ongoing commitment to innovation. Despite the setbacks, we refused to let adversity dampen our spirits. Over the past four years, we have been hard at work developing two new patented products that we believe will revolutionize the market. These innovations represent not just a triumph over adversity but a testament to the power of perseverance and creativity.

Looking Forward with Gratitude and Optimism

As we sit here reflecting on four years – the tornado anniversary, we extend our deepest gratitude to our employees, customers, and community for their unwavering support. Together, we have weathered the storm, emerging stronger and more resilient than ever before. As we look ahead to the future, we do so with optimism, knowing that whatever challenges may come our way, we have the strength and determination to overcome them.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. 

Genesee Group

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New Portland Location: A Physical Representation of Our Recover

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